#23. Magic Year 1

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题目类型:传统 评测方式:文本比较
上传者: syzoj


A magic year is defined that a year number is a palindrome. For example, Year 1881, 1991, and 2002 are magic years while 110, 122, and 1222 are not.

As we all know, YHZ born in 1997, he also missed the year 1991, which is also a magical year. It is unusual for a man who can experience 2 magical years for post-80s who lives until 2002 at least. Therefore, he wants to know, if the life of a man can be extended, how many magical years he can experience. For idealization of the design, you may consider the life of a man can up to million even billion years.


The input contains multiple cases. The first line, a number T . The following T lines, each line contains two numbers x and y .


For each case, output the number of magic years between Year x and y inclusive.


Sample Input

1644 2021




Those magical years are 1661, 1771, 1881, 1991, and 2002.